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Selam, dear SKSM Community, For the past few years, I have been concerned about the fact that many low-residence students have to come and go from the Berkeley area several times of the year. For some, it has been a real challenge financially to support this. As a result of these concerns, I have been
Dear Ones— As I write, it is a Sunday night before another week of travel, and I wanted to be in touch in these days of deep and holy unrest. Events in Ferguson Missouri and New York City have been much on my mind and heart, as I know they have been for so many
This asynchronous online course will locate the roots of Unitarian Universalist Prophetic Witness in nineteenth century social justice concerns: abolition, education, prison reform, utopian communities, suffrage, temperance, humane treatment of animals, civil disobedience, and poverty. We will also explore the nineteenth Unitarian and Universalist influence on Biblical Criticism, literature, philosophy, music, and art. Our course
Dear Ones, I write this letter with a curious mix of disappointment and hope in the wake of two articles in the press about Starr King that focus on the breach of confidential information that occurred during last spring’s presidential search. I am disappointed because, though I knew they would have to give an update
Dear Ones– I am writing with news from the Chair of our Board of Trustees, Helio Fred Garcia, concerning last spring’s ethical breach. You may recall that the board voted to convene an ad hoc committee to conduct an inquiry into the events surrounding the presidential search, events that included an anonymous and unauthorized release
as-salaam aleikum! In 2013, a small group of us gathered by phone, SKYPE, and in person to start planning a consultation by and for transgender Muslims. At that time, we decided that it would be important to eventually have a queering the study of Islam consultation. On 27/28 February 2014, the Starr King School for
Sept. 29, 5:30-7:00pm. Join Rev. Kathleen McTigue, Director of the College of Social Justice, for a reception and Q&A. Monday, September 29, 5:30-7:00pm. Fireside Room, Starr King School for the Ministry The UU College of Social Justice (UUCSJ) is entering its third year and has developed several programs specifically designed for seminary students. Join Rev.
Dear Ones— I write today with difficult news in the life of the school, and in the wake of the events of last spring surrounding the presidential search. In writing to our community on May 19th, our board chair, Fred Garcia, committed to an inquiry into the causes of the breach of confidential information that
Rev. Jay Leach Member of the Board of Trustees Graduate of SKSM, Class of 2003 Senior Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Church of Charlotte, NC Why did you decide to become a religious leader? I grew up in a family that was deeply committed to participation in the church. From a lay perspective, my parents
Starr King School for the Ministry is proud to announce that Jessica Cloud will be serving as our new Vice President of Advancement. Jessica Cloud is a Certified Fundraising Executive (CFRE) and has fifteen years of fundraising experience with an emphasis in annual fund solicitation—beginning in 2000 when she worked as a student caller with