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Bias Incident Report
Starr King School for the Ministry announces with sorrow the death of the Rev. Dr. Robert “Bob” Kimball. The school’s former president, faculty member, and dean passed away on May 29, 2017 at the age of 88. Born in Rochester, NY to Frederick Booth Kimball and Marguerite Steinmiller Kimball, Bob was a tireless learner. He earned four
Gender-Related Misconduct Policy
The Rev. Mary Foran Graduate of Starr King (2010) Why did you decide to become a religious leader? It’s a great question and of course there’s a long answer and a short answer, so I’ll try to stick on the shorter side. I became a Unitarian Universalist in the late ‘80s and loved being
Students with Disabilities Policy
Rev. Tet Gallardo Jr. 2016-17 Balázs Scholar What was it like for you growing up in the Philippines and why did you decide to become a religious leader? The Philippines is a deceivingly small country. Growing up there, it is pretty easy to get lost in the larger narratives or forced to choose between
Plagiarism Plagiar
Anthony N. Johnson, a.k.a. Mtuaswa 3rd-Year M.Div. Student What inspired you to become a spiritual leader? I find inspiration in just about all that I see. Being a spiritual leader, for me, is as much about following as it is about leading. That is, I believe in following the signs that appear before me
FERPA — Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Dear Ones— If you didn’t know, now you know. This past weekend, Charlottesville Virginia was the epicenter of a massive resurgence of racism and hatred. White nationalists showed up in an attempt to “reclaim” their country from the rest of us. Three people died—one of them, Heather Heyer, killed in a shameless act of domestic