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This course is for Starr King students engaged in part-time or full-time Clinical Pastoral Education. Participate in ministry to persons in crisis and engage in individual and group reflection. Didactic sessions draw together theoretical material from theology, the behavioral sciences, and pastoral care. Students learn to integrate theological understanding and knowledge of behavioral science with
Hilda Mason Teaching Fellows
Dear Ones- Here at Starr King, we are committed to building a beloved, inclusive community; we believe we teach best by who we are. Although it requires hard work and ongoing self-examination on all our parts, we have taken actions to create a warm and welcoming environment for all our students. That is why last
We need to have the interfaith community support us.” On March 8, 2017, in commemoration of International Women’s Day, Starr King School for the Ministry invited community civic leaders to present a symposium on the “Comfort Women”, one of the key issues in the global struggle for women’s rights. One of the greatest atrocities committed
There’s still time to apply to join Starr King’s Fall 2017 Entering Class! Study for the ministry, progressive religious leadership, or sacred social change to transform your life and the world. Our next Application Deadline is April 1 and our Final Deadline is May 1. Fill out our Prospective Student Form and contact our Admissions
Our warmest congratulations to Adjunct Faculty member Rev. Tera Little, who was unanimously called as the settled minister of Throop Unitarian Universalist Church in Pasadena, CA on March 19, 2017. “We’ve had a wonderful last five years together, and I see the call as an affirmation of our work so far, not a culmination. They are
Monday-Friday; August 10-14 and August 17-21, 2020 Time: 9:00am-11:00am Pacific Standard Time- Synchronous online. Plus 2 hours of asynchronous online discussion and exercises a day. Educating to “Create Just and Sustainable Communities that Counter Oppressions” (“ECO”) is a core goal of Starr King’s M.Div. and M.A.S.C. degree programs. In this required two week core intensive,
Starr King School for the Ministry is pleased to recognize a recent accomplishment by Student Body Secretary, Nancy Reid-McKee. Last week Nancy was selected by the Unitarian Universalist Association to receive the 2016 White Memorial Scholarship. This annual award supports Unitarian Universalist Ministerial students from throughout the Western Regional District who show great potential for the ministry. “I was
On Friday, April 14, 2017, Starr King students, graduates, faculty, staff, community members, and the mayor of Berkeley gathered in celebration and prayer for the opening of the Qal’bu Maryam Women’s Mosque, Northern California’s first women-led mosque and the second in the United States. Unlike the first, which was founded in 2015 in a Los Angeles interfaith
Dear Ones— We are all well aware of our dire national situation—we talk about it, and as a minister I have been preaching about it in venues all over the country. People across the political spectrum consider the election a major disruption to all that they know and have experienced. For some of us the