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In the summer of 2019, we filmed a series of videos with Arliss Ungar highlighting the many treasures housed at Starr King. The video below is the first of the series featuring an introduction to the history of art and artifacts of SKSM, the Earl Morse Wilbur portrait, and the Buddha statue.
We are all increasingly aware that the novel coronavirus is spreading rapidly around the world and infecting large numbers of people. Yesterday evening, we learned of the first confirmed case of coronavirus in the United States that could not be traced to a known source of infection. The infected person is a resident of Solano
March was National Women’s History Month and Starr King celebrated by highlighting some lesser known influential women. Below you’ll find the amazing women featured on the official Starr King Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram accounts throughout March 2020. Dr. Aurelia Henry Reinhardt Dr. Reinhardt was a renowned educator, activist and leader within American Unitarianism. She served
Dear Ones — I’m writing to you with an update to our ongoing New Beginnings project; it relates to a recent action taken by the Starr King Board of Trustees concerning the school’s relationship with the Graduate Theological Union (GTU). The board has voted to withdraw from the GTU effective April 1, 2022. This decision
Meg McGuire Meg McGuire is a third year Master of Divinity student at Starr King School for the Ministry and a candidate for UU ministerial fellowship. She is grateful to be a lifelong Unitarian Universalist and has long been guided by her faith’s affirmation of the essentiality of all people and commitment to more fully
Master of Divinity Degree