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Director of Admissions & Recruitment
Starr King School for the Ministry is proud to announce that it has received a $25,000.00 grant from the David and Norma Lewis Foundation, a supporting o
Educating to ìCreate Just and Sustainable Communities that Counter Oppressionsî (ìECOî) is a core goal of Starr Kingís M.Div. and M.A.S.C. degree programs. In this required core intensive, M.Div. and M.A.S.C. students work together to form a framework for counter-oppressive spiritual leadership. We will ask: how can spirituality, ministry, and religious activism respond to the
Starr King Institutional Tuition Scholarships Awards (ITSAs)
We’re so excited to share our upcoming Intersession and Spring 2023 course offerings with you! As always, they include plenty of returning favorites as
We’re thrilled to share our upcoming Summer and Fall 2023 courses with you! We have a great line-up of diverse offerings. General Registration (Sum
Please join us in welcoming Ellen Plummer as the Community Development Coordinator at the Center for Multi-Religious Studies! “I’m thrilled to welcome Ellen as the Center’s first Community Development Coordinator as part of her MDiv. field work studies at Starr King School for the Ministry. Ellen’s diverse background in grant stewardship, program coordination, and interreligious dialogue
Director of Communications