February 26, 2025

Search Update: Date for “Best Consideration” has Come and Gone!

Last Thursday was the initial close date for applications for Starr King President. And the response has been remarkable!

Potential candidates came from several sources. Some came through ads placed in The Chronicle of Higher Education, the UUA job board, the UU Ministers Association, LinkedIn, Inside Higher Ed, Higher Ed Jobs, American Academy of Religion, Engage ATS, and The UU World. Others came through direct outreach by Search Committee members to UU and other religious leaders across the United States, asking “Who would you recommend as a candidate to become Starr King’s next president?” Those who were nominated were then contacted by a Search Committee member to determine interest.

Between our ads and direct outreach efforts, we received more than 60 applications.

We initially screened to make sure they met our requirement that they had higher/theological education and/or religious leadership experience, deep knowledge of Unitarian Universalism and/or Starr King, and experience in multi-religiosity. From there, we then narrowed down candidates based on the other criteria cited in our Presidential Prospectus. We are currently developing our list of semi-finalist candidates to be interviewed March 19-21. After this first round of interviews, we will select 2-3 finalists to present to the Board of Trustees the following week. The Board will then interview these finalists in April and hopefully name the new president by May 1.

What has this search process shown us so far?

  • In these difficult times, there is a cadre of seasoned leaders who believe in Starr King’s mission and want to be part of it.
  • Almost every candidate is aware of the tenuous nature of theological education and still relishes the opportunity to lead an institution like Starr King.
  • The substantial number of people from historically marginalized groups who have applied view Starr King as a beacon of hope in a tough world.
  • There are a significant number of solid candidates who are not Unitarian Universalists (which is not required), but have a deep knowledge and resonance with our values — often gleaned through their contact with us in non-UU seminaries or on the front line of social justice.
  • There are a number of candidates who have faced hard situations in their past positions – and typically persevered – who believe in Starr King and the opportunity to grow its influence and legacy.

It has been an extraordinary journey. I wasn’t sure we would get here given our tight timeline. And now, we have a wealth of candidates seeking to become the next president of Starr King. Let us continue!

In faith,

Linda Laskowski
Chair, Starr King School for the Ministry Presidential Search, on behalf of herself and

Rev. Dianne Daniels
Dr. Som Pourfarzaneh
Richael Faithful
Rev. Dr. Sheri Prud’homme
Kellie Kinsman
Rev. Dr. Chris Schelin
Dr. Kat Liu

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