UU Congregational Support

Starr King School for the Ministry is saying thank you by recognizing the Unitarian Universalist congregations that have shown their support for our beloved school through their generous and consistent contributions.

Support from Unitarian Universalist congregations is essential to the health and longevity of Starr King as one of only two UU identity schools. Moreover, this support from Unitarian Universalist congregations and other multi-religious communities allows Starr King to pursue its goal of becoming the hub for counter-oppressive theological education.

We live in increasingly challenging political, social, and religious times, and it’s essential that Starr King works against the forces of oppression and theocracy. We are a force-multiplier – equipping the progressive religious and lay-leaders of tomorrow with the tools to transform our world for the better by working directly in their communities to affect change.

There are many ways in which your congregation can support Starr King School for the Ministry, and the work that we do as a Unitarian Universalist identity school.

How to Support Starr King

Give an Outright Gift

Regular planned annual or monthly support of Starr King helps us handle the everyday expenses of running the school and assists the school in keeping tuition as low as possible. Make a gift here.

Share the Offering Plate

We know there are so many worthy causes, from the local to the international, but we encourage you to add Starr King to your share-the-plate list for 1-2 weeks per year. If every UU congregation was able to do this, at an average of $500, this would add $550,000 to our budget! This would mean we could offer more scholarship dollars and student support.

Share Ordination Gifts

It is customary for UUs being ordained to share-the-plate from their ordination service, splitting the ordination offering 50/50 between their seminary and the Living Tradition Fund at the UUA. So, if your congregation is ordaining a Starr King graduate, please consider participating in this longstanding tradition.

Refer Future Starr King Seminarians

Congregations know which lay leaders and worship associates would make promising seminarians sometimes before that person acknowledges their call to ministry. Consider nominating them as a future Starr King seminarian so that we can help them discern whether SKSM is right for them.

Send Members to Take a Course

Starr King has an array of fantastic classes that would enrich congregational life and learning. Consider sponsoring someone in your congregation to take a course as a Special Student.

Start a WEAV Small Group Ministry Class

WEAV is a 10-module small group ministry program designed to inspire participants as agents of sacred social change. This curriculum will be available to all UU congregations soon. To get on the list, email Teresa Joye at tjoye@sksm.edu. For more information, contact Jessica Cloud, VP for Advancement, at jcloud@sksm.edu or call 571-438-8333.

Thank You

Thank you to the following congregations who have made gifts to Starr King since January 1, 2023: