Szabolcs (Szabi) Czire

Research Scholar


Rev. Dr. Szabolcs (Szabi) Czire is a core faculty member at the Protestant Theological Institute in Kolozsvar (Cluj-Napoca), Romania. He teaches Biblical studies, hermeneutics, meditation-relaxation, and religious sociology.

After his seminary graduation in 1996, he was minister for three years in a small congregation in South Transylvania. He spent 1999-2000 study year at Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago. In 2005 as a “Emily Sharp Scholar,” he visited Oxford and Manchester in the UK. He completed his PhD dissertation in 2007 on historical Jesus research. He also has a BA in sociology.

Dr. Czire authored three books, as well as more than 30 articles. He is a Westar Jesus Seminar fellow, Executive Committee member of Interconfessional Bible Society in Romania, member of the external public body of Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and is a founding member and secretary of the Unitas Association for Family. He is a contracted columnist at the local newspaper with a circulation of around 40,000 readers.

Dr. Czire has been a presenter at the largest biblical conference in Central and Eastern Europe, organized annually in Szeged, Hungary. He also attended the general meeting of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas (SNTS) in 2014.

Since 2009, he also works for the Unitarian bishop’s office as national youth/RE coordinator.