Dr. Hugo Córdova Quero

Director of Digital Learning and Associate Professor of Critical Theories and Queer Theologies Faculty, Staff


M.Div. ISEDET University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
M.A. Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley CA
Ph.D. Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley CA

List of Publications

Previous/Other Position(s)

Director of Online Education

Advanced Critical Theories
Type: Asynchronous with optional Zoom discussions
Units: 3


Hugo Córdova Quero is currently serving as Director of Online Education at Starr King and is a member of the Faculty. He holds an MA in Systematic Theology and Critical Theories (Feminist, Queer, and Postcolonial) from the Graduate Theological Union; an M.Div. from ISEDET University in Buenos Aires, Argentina; and a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies in Religion, Migration, and Ethnic Studies from the Graduate Theological Union. Currently, he is also Dean of Faculty at Instituto Superior de Estudios Interreligiosos y Sociales (ISDEIS) in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 

Dr. Córdova Quero has been Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Advanced Study of Asian Cultures and Theologies (IASACT), Chung Chi College at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (2006); Visiting Researcher at the Center for Lusophone Studies (2006–2009) and Postdoctoral Visiting Researcher at the Iberoamerican Institute (2009–2011) both at Sophia University in Tokyo. His areas of research are religious studies and queer theologies, ethnic and migration studies, and critical theories (feminist, queer, and postcolonial). He is a member of the research groups Emerging Queer Asian & Pacific Islander Religion Scholars (EQARS), Multidisciplinary Study Group on Religion and Public Incidence (GEMRIP) and the Queer Migrations Research Network. He is also a fellow at the Institute for the Study of Asian Religions (CERAL), Pontifical University of São Paulo (Brazil). Member of the Global Interfaith Network (GIN), he is actively working in Latin America to promote interfaith dialogue among LGBTIQ+ believers from different religions, spiritualities, and beliefs. See http://hugocordovaquero.weebly.com/