Dr. Lettini speaking about her work in film, theology and ethics at the Prado Church in Cannes, France.
Rev. Dr. Gabriella Lettini, Dean of Starr King School for the Ministry, is currently serving on the Ecumenical Jury of the Cannes Film Festival, which runs from May 11-22 in Cannes, France.
The Ecumenical Jury has been a part of the Cannes Film Festival since 1976 and has the power to give an award and special mentions to films in the official competition. Each year, six experts in cinema and professionals in the Christian world from around the world are invited to be a part of the jury. This year, Dean Lettini serves alongside the Director of the Lutheran World Federation from Canada, the Director of Communication for the Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa from Côte d’Ivoire, and journalists from France and the Philippines.
This past Sunday, May 15, marked the Christian holiday Pentecost, which commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and the followers of Jesus. The members of the Ecumenical Jury were honored at the Mass and Worship Festival held for this special occasion.
Additionally, on Wednesday, May 18, the festival held an ecumenical celebration at the Prado Church, at which all the jurors spoke about their respective work in film, theology and ethics.

Dr. Lettini and the Ecumenical Jury for the Cannes Film Festival walking the red carpet this past Monday night.
Dean Lettini has also served on ecumenical juries at the international film festivals in Montreal, Locarno and Berlin.
Dean Lettini is unable to share any information on the films that she is attending at this time, but is excited to share about them with the community when she returns in June.
The 2016 award of the Ecumenical Jury, which chooses a film based on its artistic qualities, humane and evangelical qualities as well as its openness to social, cultural and religious diversity, will be given on May 21.
You can view an interview, in French, with Dean Lettini on the Opening Day of the film festival here.