Womanism and Earth Justice

Session: Spring
Type: Synchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2020 - 2021
Approval Required: Yes

ECO Core

This course will explore the emergent field of ecowomanist ethics in a global context through a wide variety of voices including those of activists, scholars, and grassroots organizers. What do the lived experiences of women in the African Diaspora have to teach us about earth justice and environmental degradation? What moral guidance can we learn from those perspectives? And how might we integrate such wisdom into the wider environmental canon?

This is a residential hybrid class intended for M.Div. and M.A. students. Doctoral students are welcome with additional work; please contact the instructor directly. Class will meet weekly in a seminar style, with a final research paper assignment.

Class is limited to 20 students, please contact instructor for permission to enroll.                             Instructor: Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt

Auditors excluded.

Prerequisite: Educating to Counter Oppressions Intensive or equivalent.

Relates to Starr King Thresholds 1, 2, and 6, and MFC Competencies 4 and 7.