UU Theologies

Session: Spring
Type: Asynchronous with required Zoom discussions
Units: 3
Days: TUE
Time: 2:00pm-3:00pm
Academic Year: 2024 – 2025
Approval Required: No
Download: Course Document

The purpose of this asynchonous course is to introduce the student to the distinctive theological heritage and theological perspectives present within Unitarian Universalist traditions and congregations, and to equip students to begin to think and write theologically in the context of post-modern religious communities. Especially oriented to students who identify as Unitarian Universalists, this course will encourage participants to form a practice of engaged theological thinking within the context of Unitarian Universalism’s particular perspectives, resources, limits, and possibilities.

Weekly one-hour synchronous discussion: Tuesdays, 2-3pm PT.

The course requires a lot of reading and viewing videos, weekly synchronous one-hour discussions, four 100-200 word posts on discussion threads each week, periodic written assignments, and a final project.

Appropriate for MDiv, MASC, and certificate students. SKSM Thresholds 4. History of Dissenting Traditions & Thea/ological Quest, and 6. Thea/ology in Culture & Context. MFC Competencies: 1. Worship and Rites of Passage.

Previous UU History strongly recommended.

Enrollment max: 20 students. Auditors excluded.