Transformative Ritual Craft

Session: Fall
Type: Online, Synchronous
Units: 3
Days: TUE
Time: 9:40am-12:30pm
Academic Year: 2024 – 2025
Approval Required: No
Download: Course Document

Transformative Ritual Craft is an exploration into the art and technology of ritual craft. This synchronous online course supports students in developing a nuanced understanding of successful ritual structures and empowers students in cultivating skills to create and guide ritual. The course itself is a ritual immersion, with each class meeting structured as a ritual experience. Students are encouraged to deepen their own ritual practices, to experience rituals in contexts new to them and to craft and guide ritual for community. Students will identify their strengths and edges in ritual craft and leadership, and will receive structured support in enhancing their existing ritual strengths and in nurturing arenas in which they seek additional growth and experience.

The Transformative Ritual Craft class will also participate in monthly online SKSM chapel services, which occur during class time. MDiv and MASC students.

SKSM Thresholds 1. Life in Religious Community and Interfaith Development 3. Prophetic Witness and Work 5. Spiritual Practice and Care of the Soul 8. Embodied Wisdom and Beauty and MFC: 1. Worship and Rites of Passage and 7. Leads the Faith into the Future.

Enrollment Max: 20. Auditors excluded.