This synchronous online course will present an introduction to the intersections between religion and music, specifically through the academic lenses of anthropology and cultural production and with a focus on countering oppression in its various forms. It will serve as a container for student work on creating and disseminating music that helps to enrich the spiritual lives of their communities, while drawing on student experiences studying and making music to benefit our shared learning. Course format and evaluation: seminar, with final presentation and paper or project that relates to religion and music.
This is a pilot course where students will be requested to provide feedback on the scope and curriculum.
Intended audience: all degree programs.
Relates to Thresholds: 2. Prophetic Witness and Work, 6. Theology in Culture and Context 7. Educating for Wholeness and Liberation 8. Embodied Wisdom and Beauty. Relates to MFC: 4. Social Justice in the Public Square 7. Leads the Faith into the Future.
Enrollment Max: 10. Auditors excluded.