Paths for Liberation: An Introduction to Buddhism

Session: Fall
Type: Online, Synchronous
Units: 3
Days: THU
Time: 2:10pm-5:00pm
Academic Year: 2025 - 2026
Approval Required: No

The rationale for this online synchronous course is to introduce some of the core teachings of the Buddha, by entering through perspectives and practices within the three most prevalent paths of Buddhism—Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana. These paths provide initial openings into the endless gates of the living Dharma that can include additional lineages of praxis. The course will consider some of the historical and cultural movements, adaptations, actions, and distinct positionalities that arose in relationship with the teachings of the Buddha and the innumerable lineages that followed. By studying, discussing, and applying the wisdom and practices of different paths and approaches to Buddhism throughout the term, students can gain greater insights into their own positionalities and expand their embodiment of the core teachings. Students will be expected to engage weekly readings, reflections, discussions, and practice activities that will deepen their relationship with the Dharma.

MDiv. and MASC students. Relates to SKSM Thresholds 1. Life in Religious Community and Interfaith Engagement, 3. Sacred Text and Interpretation, 5. Spiritual Practice and Care of the Soul, 6. Theology in Culture and Context and MFC Comps 2. Pastoral Care and Presence, 3. Spiritual Development for Self and Others.

Class is limited to 20 participants. Auditors excluded.