Introduction to African Spirituality

Session: Fall
Type: Synchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2021 - 2022
Approval Required: No

In the creation of our “Beloved Community,” this synchronous online course will ask and answer what contributions do the ancient spiritual wisdoms of Africa have to offer at this time? The course will consist of lectures, demonstrations and student participation. Class participation and final reflection paper will constitute student evaluations. Indigenous African Spiritualities differ from what we in the West may refer to as “religion.” There is no fixed creed or closed theological system as seen in some forms of Christianity and Islam. Indigenous African spiritualities are primarily based upon oral traditions and do not have a codified written text, like other major religions. African spiritualities are holistic. In them, any imbalance or disturbance is seen not only as personal but includes one’s social, family and village relationships and the relationship with one’s ancestors. They encompass at their most basic level a universal belief in survival and triumph over death and the immortality of the human soul. The course will be experiential in nature with links to how African Spiritualities can inform our communal and global pursuit of social justice. For MDiv, MASC and MA students.

Relates to Thresholds 1,3, 6 and 8 and to MFC 1 and 3.

[15 max enrollment; Auditors excluded]

Faculty: Rev. Anthony Mtuaswa Johnson