Intro to Cross Cultural Preaching

Type: Intensive, Synchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2020 - 2021
Approval Required: Yes

ECO Core

January 11-15 and 19-21; 10:00-1:00 pm PST synchronous session plus two hours of work in asynchronous online modality, including breaks.

Introduction to Preaching in a Cross Cultural Context: This non-lectionary, thematic preaching course embraces counter oppressive ministry through worship and the arts. Hands on learning will combine the sharing and peer review of brief homilies with exercises aimed at identifying your authentic preaching voice. Each student will also deliver two full-length sermons in class. Questions of how to make our worship services more relevant in today’s culturally shifting world will be explored through thea/ological study of homiletics through a libratory lens and an engagement with issues of cultural appropriation and misappropriation in Unitarian Universalist liturgical practice. Students from all traditions welcome.

Pre-requisites: ECO core intensive or equivalent.

Starr King thresholds 1, 2, 6 and 7, and MFC Competency 1.

This course is for M.Div students and will be evaluated based on sermons and class participation.

Maximum enrollment is 10.

Students must contact the instructor via e-email prior to enrolling in order to receive permission to register. Registration is contingent upon faculty approval. Instructor: Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt