Indigenous Roots in Diaspora

Session: Fall
Type: Synchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2021 - 2022
Approval Required: Yes

ECO Core

This course is co-taught by Leora Cockrell and Lauren Martinez. In this discussion, ritual and movement/embodiment-based course we will unravel the im/possibilities of embodying our indigenous roots in our diasporas. The instructors come from the African diaspora and European Jewish diaspora, respectively, and strive to hold a container that is welcoming and liberating for all while acknowledging we live on stolen Indigenous land. This course requires reflective journaling, participation in group discussions and a final group project. Pass/No Pass. MASC and MDiv students and the community welcome. Prerequisite: Eco Core Intensive or equivalent experience. Thresholds: Spiritual Practice and Care of the Soul, Embodied Wisdom and Beauty. MFC Competency: Pastoral Care and Presence and Spiritual Development of Self and Other.

Course will be high-residency with limited hybrid participation if COVID-situation allows.

Enrollment limited to 18 and requires faculty approval. Please email: and your interest in the course and relevant experience: ECO Core Intensive or equivalent experience.

Auditors excluded. 18 max enrollment