Dynamic Youth Ministry

Session: Spring
Type: Asynchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2021 - 2022
Approval Required: No

This lively and interactive course grounds participants in philosophical, psychological,
programmatic, ethical and theological aspects of youth ministry. Asynchronous online modality. Geared toward Unitarian Universalists, but open to all religious or secular affiliations, this course seeks to embody a vision of youth ministry that is a vibrant, robust, and flexible part of every congregation and community. Topics of instruction include leadership and spiritual development, professional support for youth advisors, denominational polity, adolescent life issues, building intergenerational community, and a critical analysis of different models of youth ministry and programming. A foundational course recommended for all religious leaders, both new and old to youth ministry.

Maximum Enrollment:17. Auditors excluded.

Instructor: Betty Jeanne Rueters-Ward