Congregational Intern Reflection offers a circle of continued learning and collegial support, which is central to maintaining healthy ethics and boundaries as religious leaders. In this course we will discuss all aspects of the arts of ministry, the ways ministerial call is strengthening and deepening, and ongoing personal spiritual practice. Students will reflect on how they are educating to counter oppressions, cultivating multi-religious perspectives, and creating just and sustainable communities within their internship sites. Students will connect their learning goals to UUA Ministerial Fellowship requirements. Special guest minister presenters will offer their own perspectives on ministry.
Evaluation is based on participation in the semi-monthly intern reflection sessions.
Class meets the second and fourth WEDNESDAY, 9 am – 10:30 am PST.
This course is for M.Div. students. Credits: 2.0.
This class meets Starr King Thresholds 1. Life in Religious Community and Interfaith Engagement 5. Spiritual Practice and Care of the Soul 6. Thea/ology in Culture and Context
Auditors excluded.