Community Internship

Session: Fall
Type: Field Education
Units: 5-10
Academic Year: 2025 - 2026
Approval Required: No

ECO Core

Community Internships involve engagement at a field site from 16 to 40 hours a week, under weekly supervision at the site and the support of the SKSM Community Intern Reflection class. Community Internships include a variety of settings, such as supervised placements in a non-profit service agency or grassroots organization, hospice work, chaplaincy, teaching and more. They can also entail creating new projects such as starting a new organization or planning a conference.

Those who register for this course should also register for Community Intern Integrative Reflection Fall.

Students should discuss the internship with their advisor before making arrangements with the professor. Student and supervisor will discuss and sign a learning agreement at the outset of the internship. Midterm and final student/supervisor evaluations are also required.

All forms are available on the SKSM Website. Please see Student Handbook and Contextual Education Handbook for more information.

Open to all degree students; requirement for MASC. Max. enrollment 15. Auditors excluded.

Relevance for specific SKSM thresholds and MFC competencies varies according to the nature of a student’s field experience.

Course is available for 5-10 units. Contact the registrar for manual adjustment of credit to level set by the instructor.

Prerequisite: ECO Core Course