ECO Core
Field work describes an involvement in community work for up to 20 hours a week with the ongoing support of a mentor. Community Field Work includes work in gender, racial and economic justice, queer activism, disability advocacy, immigration issues, environmental responsibility, civil liberties protection, HIV response, youth at risk, peace building, participating in a fundraising campaign for a non for profit or grassroots organization, chaplaincy, teaching and more. Students should discuss the field work opportunity with their advisor before making arrangements with the professor. Student and community mentor will discuss and sign a learning agreement at the outset of the field work experience. Midterm and final student/mentor evaluations will also be required by midterm and the end of term. All forms are available on the SKSM website. Please see Student Handbook and Contextual Education Handbook for more information. Open to all degree students.
0.5-5 credits. Contact the registrar for manual adjustment of credit to level set by the instructor.
Max. enrollment 15.
Relevance for specific SKSM thresholds and MFC competencies varies according to the nature of a student’s field experience.
Prerequisite: ECO course.