ChI Spiritual Psychology

Session: Fall
Type: Online, Synchronous
Units: 1.5
Days: SUN - FRI - SAT
Academic Year: 2022 - 2023
Approval Required: No

ECO Core


This is a 4-day course where students will integrate wisdom from various spiritual traditions: Kabbalah with Jungian; Developmental and Archetypal Psychology; Family Systems and Psychodynamic perspectives; Astrology and Alchemy. We will consider how ego development and Identity formation weaves together with soul and spiritual development. Course topics include: Tree of Life Model; Internalizing the Good Mother; Attachment Styles and Defenses of the Personality; Emotional Wounding; Family Systems & Individuation; Soul Development; Healthy Boundaries & Self-Love; Spiritual Awakening & Healing; Holistic Health & Integration.

Only for joint-program students participating in Chaplaincy Institute (ChI) courses as part of the Interfaith Chaplaincy and Ministry Certificate. Max. enrollment 15. Auditors excluded.Relevant for SKSM threshold 5 (Spiritual Practice & Care for the Soul); MFC competency 3. Meets Sept. 15-18.

Prerequisite: ECO course.