Discover Starr King

Starr King School’s distinctive educational approach is rooted in the Unitarian Universalist values of countering oppressions, cultivating multi-religious life and learning, and creating just and sustainable communities.

Endowment of the Spirit

In our work we strive to embody what we hope to see in the world — a just, loving humanity and community in which people are free to be themselves fully and without fear; a community where no one is exiled, silenced or exploited because of gender, gender expression, race, color, ethnic or national origin, religion, sexual/affectional orientation, age, class, physical character or disability.

Degree Programs & Certificates

Starr King offers two graduate degree programs, each with the option of adding either the Chaplaincy or Unitarian Universalist Concentrations.

  • Master of Divinity – Prepares you for Unitarian Universalist ministry, other denominational ministry, and progressive religious leadership in society.
  • Master of Arts in Social Change – Prepares you for leadership in society through institutions and vocations that serve the common good by working for justice, equity and compassion.

Additionally, the school offers four graduate-level certificates:

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Personalize Your Journey

At Starr King, our variety of courses can help prepare students for a future in leadership. Students can decide which classes would best meet their educational goals through our student-centered, adaptive educational model. They can explore our online, intensive, and low-residency options of study. We also offer fieldwork, internships, and other practical methods of learning. Students can even take classes without being enrolled in one of our degree programs! Contact us to learn more about our courses.

Financial Aid Available to Those Who Qualify

We believe that anyone who has the desire to better their community should have the opportunity to pursue that honorable goal. That’s why we offer financial aid and scholarships to those who qualify. In order to qualify for financial aid, students must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online and our SKSM Institutional Tuition Scholarship Application. If you have any questions about our financial aid options, contact our Financial Aid Office. We’d be happy to counsel you as you begin your spiritual journey.

An Education that Prepares for the 21st Century

Doing the work to create a better and more just world is essential to the call of religious leadership. That’s why we emphasize our commitment to educating to counter oppressions and to creating just and sustainable communities. One way in which we fulfill this commitment is to teach by who we are and what we do. That is why we welcome not only Unitarian Universalist students, but also students from all faiths, backgrounds, ethnicities, and identities. We believe that everyone has the capacity to become a leader in their community. Through our educational model, students will be equipped to do the work of religious leadership and create social change in the 21st century world. Our programs are available to anyone who is ready to take up this vitally important work.

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About our graduate programs

Programs & Certificates

Each student’s course of study is individually designed.

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