
Student Body Fee

$20.00 per semester

SKSM fee per credit

SKSM tuition is $925 per credit (starting Fall 2023).

The per-credit tuition is subject to change. This fee applies to all program, certificate, and special students.

California (only) Students

Student Tuition Recovery Fund

The State of California established the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic loss suffered by a student in an educational program at a qualifying institution, who is or was a California resident while enrolled, or was enrolled in a residency program, if the student enrolled in the institution, prepaid tuition, and suffered an economic loss. Unless relieved of the obligation to do so, you must pay the state-imposed assessment for the STRF, or it must be paid on your behalf, if you are a student in an educational program, who is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all or part of your tuition.

You are not eligible for protection from the STRF and you are not required to pay the STRF assessment, if you are not a California resident, or are not enrolled in a residency program.

Currently, the assessed fee is $0.00 per one thousand dollars. Should a non-zero sum be implemented at a later date, Starr King will collect the fee from California residents during each term of enrollment.

For more information on this charge, please visit:

Special Students

Special Students (i.e. students who are not currently matriculated in an SKSM degree program) may register through Starr King to take a Starr King course (residential, intensive, immersion, or online). The tuition is the same as a Degree Student.

Total degree Tuition must be paid in full 30 days prior to graduation.

Tuition Transition Summer Cash Flow Challenge
Personalized Payment Plan

Please register for your Summer Intensives as planned.

Continuing M.Div. and MASC students lacking access to Federal Student Loans until the Fall semester and who have difficulty paying the fee per credit for Summer Semester classes may set up a Personalized Payment Plan with SKSM.

Please contact Owais Qureshi at by June 20 to set up your Personalized Payment Plan.

Institutional Scholarships can also be used for Summer Intensives. To do so, please notify Owais at .


Once a student registers for their course(s), they will automatically be billed for the amount of units to be acquired from the course(s). After completing your registration for any given semester, you will be able to pay for your courses using Student Planning. Tuition must be paid in full by the end of Late Registration or a payment plan must be in place.

Credit Card, Check, Cash, E-Check, and Money Order Payments

  • Online through Populi by credit or debit card
  • By mailing check or money order (made payable to “Starr King School for the Ministry”) at:
    • Starr King School for the Ministry
    • c/o Student Accounts Manager
    • 414 13th Street, Suite 700
    • Oakland, CA 94612
  • In person by check, cash, or money order with Owais Qureshi, Student Accounts Manager. Credit cards cannot be accepted in person.
Minimum Credits for Student Loans

Minimum Credits for Student Loans

For purposes of federally-supported financial aid programs, to receive full-time benefits a student must be enrolled for a minimum of 9 credits each principal term (i.e. Fall, Intersession/Spring, and/or Summer).  To receive part-time benefits, a student must be enrolled for a minimum of 6 credits each principal term (i.e. Fall, Intersession/Spring, and Summer). Students who take fewer than 6 credits in a principal term may enter repayment for loans and are not eligible for loans within that semester.

Tuition Refund Policy

If a student withdraws or is dismissed by the faculty from a Starr King degree program during any term of instruction, (Summer, Fall, Intersession, or Spring), they may be eligible for a refund of tuition they have paid that term. The Student Accounts Manager will calculate any tuition refund owed to the student based on the withdrawal date as follows. 

For semester-length courses (ten weeks or longer): 

  1. Prior to the end of Late Registration: full refund of tuition due for the semester.
  2. During the 3rd week of classes:  80% of tuition paid that term.
  3. During 4th and 5th week of classes: 50% of tuition paid that term.
  4. During 6th and 7th weeks of classes: 25% of tuition paid that term.
  5. After the 8th week: no refund.

*For Oregon residents: During 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th week of classes: 50% of tuition paid that term. After the 8th week: no refund.

**For Washington residents: After the 5th week: no refund

For intensive and intermediate-length courses (1-9 weeks): 

  1. By the conclusion of the 1st day of instruction: full refund of tuition.
  2. By the conclusion of the 2nd day of instruction: 80% of course tuition.
  3. By the conclusion of the 3rd day of instruction: 50% of course tuition.
  4. After the 3rd day of instruction: no refund.

Return of Federal and Nonfederal Financial Aid Program Monies

Students who receive federal Title IV financial aid are subject to the return of Title IV funds (R2T4) calculation, in which a pro-rata refund of federal loans is calculated by the number of calendar days up to 60% of the enrollment period. After 60% of the enrollment period is completed by the student, no refund of federal loan monies will be issued. See the SKSM Academic Catalog for the full R2T4 policy.

Additionally, any nonfederal financial aid program monies will be subject to the same pro rata refund calculation.

Complaint Procedure:

An individual may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education for review of a complaint. The Bureau may be contacted at 2535 Capital Oak Drive Suite 400 – Sacramento, CA 95833 or 
Tel: 916.431.6959 – Fax: 916.263.1897

For Washington State residents seeking information and resources about student loan repayment or seeking to submit a complaint relating to your student loans or student loan servicer, please visit or contact the Student Loan Advocate at .

Cost of Attendance

The following estimates are based on the current price per credit of $925. These charts do not include non-tuition expenses, such as books & supplies, loan fees, housing, transportation, etc.

  Per Semester (12 credits) Per Year (24 credits)
Tuition $11,100 $22,200
Student Body Fees $20 $40
Total $11,120 $22,240


Program Total Program Tuition (excluding Student Body Fees)
Master of Divinity (90) $83,250
Master of Arts in Social Change (48) $44,400
Joint MDiv & MASC (114) $105,450
Certificate in Unitarian Universalist Studies (12) $11,100
Certificate in Multi-Religious Studies (12) $11,100
Certificate in Chaplaincy Studies (18) $16,650
Certificate in Psychedelic Justice & Companioning (12) $11,100