Starr King offers a number of Merit and Incentive Scholarships to students who show special promise based on their academic record, achievements as activists or religious leaders, or their distinctive commitments, religious affiliation and/or goals, or who meet specific criteria.
- The John Buehrens Scholarship is awarded as a merit grant by the President of Starr King to an entering student with financial need who is judged to have “the highest academic achievement and intellectual promise, as well as outstanding potential for effective ministry.” In addition, the UUA selects a second or 3rd- year student to receive the second Buehrens scholarship. (While the entering student recipient of this scholarship is selected by the president of SKSM, funding comes from the endowment at the UUA. The funds will arrive as a check directly to the student recipient from the UUA with half of the funds in the fall semester and half in the spring semester.)
- The Olympia Brown Scholarships are awarded as incentive grants to students who advance Starr King’s commitment to theological education that engages underrepresented constituencies and historically marginalized groups. Olympia Brown was the first woman ordained to the Universalist ministry and one of the earliest women ministers in the U.S.
- The Earl K. Holt III Scholarship is awarded as a merit grant to a single recipient, with a strong commitment to parish ministry, and hopefully with a particular interest in Unitarian history and the Puritan-congregational tradition.
- The St. Lawrence Tuition Scholarships are funded by a gift from the St. Lawrence Foundation to provide financial aid to two students annually who are in candidate status for Unitarian Universalist ministry.
- The Balazs Scholarship provides tuition and living expenses to enable a Unitarian minister from Transylvania to study for a year at Starr King. The Balazs scholar is selected by the Unitarian Church in Transylvania. The Balazs Committee supports the Balazs scholar and also arranges, as funds are available, for Starr King Students to do fieldwork in Transylvania.
- The Hilda and Charles Mason Teaching Fellowships are awarded to students who have submitted a proposal that has been approved by the Curriculum Committee to teach a course at Starr King, in a congregation, or in the community