The Unitarian Universalist Concentration includes courses in introductory and advanced counter-oppressive theologies and ministerial theories, as well as Unitarian Universalist identity and prophetic witness, and assists those in the concentration in their pursuit of a career as a Unitarian Universalist minister.

Questions? Email Matthew Waterman, Director of Admissions, at

Unitarian Universalist Concentration

The Starr King Unitarian Universalist Concentration, directed by Rev. Dr. Meg Richardson, prepares students for ministerial fellowship in the Unitarian Universalist Association.

Enrolling in the Concentration

Students may enroll in the Unitarian Universalist Concentration during General Registration by selecting the zero-credit concentration course in Populi. There is no application process and SKSM degree candidates who wish to enroll in the concentration will be accepted. It is possible for students to be enrolled in both the UU Concentration and the Chaplaincy Concentration.

Required Courses and Work

The following classes are required to complete the Unitarian Universalist Concentration, organized here following the Ministerial Fellowship Committee’s areas of ministerial competence. All three of the core intensives required of SKSM students are included. Students also need to fulfill the SKSM’s Symposia requirement.

One: Worship and Rites of Passage

  • Introduction to Preaching in a Cross-Cultural Context
  • UU Liturgy and Worship Arts OR Transformative Ritual Craft
  • UU Theologies (UU History is a strongly recommended for UU Theologies)
  • Liberation Theologies

Two: Pastoral Care and Presence

  • Introduction to Pastoral Counseling OR Deep Listening for All Forms of Ministry

Three: Spiritual Development for Self and Others

  • Introduction to Religious Education OR Adult Faith Development
  • Hebrew & Christian Scriptures

Four: Social Justice in the Public Square

  • Religious Ethics
  • Additional required course content to be addressed by electives: (Choose four) Community Organizing/Social Change Theory; Public Leadership; UU History of Prophetic Witness; Justice Theory; History of Oppression; LGBTQI Studies; Gender Studies; Feminist Studies; Disability Studies; Postcolonial Theory; Ethnic Studies; Environmental Justice; Peace Studies.
    Note: Students are responsible for tracking electives in consultation with their Faculty Advisor.

Five: Administration

  • UU Ministerial Leadership Core Intensive
  • Congregation and Nonprofit Administration

Six: Serves the Larger Unitarian Universalist Faith

  • UU History
  • UU Polity
  • History of Christianity

Seven: Leads the Faith into the Future

  • Multi-Religious Core Intensive
  • Youth and Young Adult Ministry

The remaining credits for the degree program can be filled with elective courses or the requirements of an additional concentration. Students also work with their advisors to ensure they meet SKSM’s threshold requirements. In addition to coursework, all students will complete at least two semesters of field education, recommended to start after the first year of seminary:

  • at least one semester of seven to ten hours per week of field education serving in a Unitarian Universalist congregation with participation in a reflection group.
  • at least one semester of seven to ten hours per week serving in a community setting for ministry along with participation in the corresponding field education reflection group.

The final requirement is participation in a five-week spiritual direction group each year with fellow Starr King students led by the Director of Spiritual Care Services. Participation in the UUA/UUMA Ministerial Formation Network’s monthly meetings and seminars are strongly encouraged.