László (Laci) Major (2015-2016) Rev. Major studied sociology in 2006-2007 at the Sapientia Hungarian University of Transylvania, and after a year joined the Protestant Institute of Theology in Kolozsvár. He finished his initial theological studies there in 2011, and has been serving as assistant minister in the Unitarian Congregation of Datk, while completing a master’s degree in theology, and at the same time a master’s in pastoral care at Babes-Bolyai University. He remains parish minister in Datk, which has 350 members in a Unitarian village of 500 people.
He writes, “In my congregation I organized events and programs for different age-groups. I initiated a church choir, a women`s association, summer camp for children (we have 50 children in our congregation, between 2 and 13 years), cultural events, social gatherings. We are in the middle of renovating our community house, to have more room for all the activities. My wife, Orsi, is an English teacher in the nearby city. We have a 3 ½ year old daughter, her name is Bori.
“During my scholarship I would like to continue my studies in the pastoral care of families and the relationship between illness-health and faith. I am particularly interested in how I could put the theories related to these subjects into practice in congregational life.”