Rosemary Bray McNatt
Dear Ones–
I am writing with news from the Chair of our Board of Trustees, Helio Fred Garcia, concerning last spring’s ethical breach. You may recall that the board voted to convene an ad hoc committee to conduct an inquiry into the events surrounding the presidential search, events that included an anonymous and unauthorized release of confidential information. Fred and other board members worked tirelessly throughout the summer to recruit individuals with the knowledge and integrity to lead such an inquiry.
Fred writes: “It has taken longer than expected to be able to convene that committee. But I’m happy to announce that the committee has been formed, and that two highly-respected Unitarian Universalists who previously were unaffiliated with the school have agreed to join with one of our Trustees to take on this important work. Last week the Board formally ratified the composition and charge to the committee.”
That committee–comprised of Mr. Barb Greve, Mr. Larry Ladd, and the Rev. Emily Gage–has already begun its work, and we thank them for agreeing to serve. I encourage you to read Fred’s entire letter, which includes biographies of the committee members as well as the full charge to the committee. These materials may be found here – Fred Garcia Announcement of Ad Hoc Committee 2014-09-29.
In the meantime, life at Starr King is busy and good, and we thank you for the many letters and emails of support. Let me add a special word of gratitude to those of you who have made additional financial gifts to the school; we appreciate your generosity and your confidence! Stay tuned in the coming weeks for video highlights from last month’s Symposium, as well as selected profiles from this year’s incoming class. As always, I’m happy to hear from you, to answer your questions, and to share the good news of this extraordinary school; please write to me at rbraymcnatt@sksm.edu.