Solving Problems in Congregational Ministries

Type: Intensive, Synchronous
Units: 1.5
Days: MON - TUE - WED - THU - FRI
Time: 4:00pm-5:30pm
Academic Year: 2024 – 2025
Start Date: 01/06/2025
End Date: 01/17/2025
Approval Required: No

This online synchronous course is designed to prepare you for the most common needs of congregational ministries.

Course meets: January 6-10, 13-17, 4:00pm-5:30pm PT

All sessions will be recorded. Students can miss up to three live sessions, view the recordings and then post responses.

In advance of this course students will be asked not only to do assigned reading on each topic, but also to arrange interviews with current practitioners of UU or liberal congregational ministry.

Much of the course will involve case studies. Topics covered will include expectations of ministry in congregations of differing sizes and contexts; the tasks of ministry and time management; congregational governance and ministry; mission, vision, and covenant (issues in purpose, program, and accountability); fundraising (moving from fear to fostering a culture of abundance); budgets and the nurturance of strategic thinking; staffing (effective supervision and processes for making changes); membership growth and pastoral care (nurturing a culture of welcome and mutual concern); conflict identification and management; issues in community engagement and social justice; safety and security practices.

By January 17, each student will select a subtopic or a new or hypothetical case that they find particularly challenging for further research and interviews, leading to an 8 to 10 page paper due by January 31.

Fulfills Thresholds: 1. Life in Religious Community, 2. Prophetic Witness and MFC competencies: 5. Administration and 4. Social Justice.

Enrollment max: 20. Audtors excluded.