Survivor Politics and Transformative Justice

Session: Fall
Type: Asynchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2020 - 2021
Approval Required: Yes

ECO Core 

Survivor Politics and Transformative Justice is a course designed to explore the history of survivor advocacy, analyse the criminal justice system and the way it has historically handled issues of domestic violence, and explore the many ways that communities of color, queer communities, and women have creatively intervened in situations of sexual assault and domestic violence when the criminal justice system has failed them. We will also spend time critically analyzing the discourse surrounding call out culture to understand nuances surrounding best practice in community intervention versus shaming survivors for telling their stories. We will familiarize ourselves with the recent history of the transformative justice movement and examine how we as ministers can cultivate safer communities for survivors of violence. Students will be learning tools and skills rooted in transformative justice frameworks to adapt and apply to their own congregational and community settings, as well as rooting themselves in a dedicated self-care practice to develop the strong and healthy boundaries necessary to do this work.

This course covers thresholds 2, 4, 5 and 7. This is an asynchronous online course intended for MASC, MA, and MDIV students. Evaluations will be based on online discussions, a self-care practice, presentation, and mid and end-of-semester written check ins.

Limit of 12 students.

Faculty consent required, please email instructor: explaining briefly your interest in the course and any background you have related to the topic.

[Faculty Consent required; 12 max enrollment; Auditors excluded]

Prerequisite: ECO Core Intensive