ECO Core Intensive

Type: Intensive, Synchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2020 - 2021
Approval Required: No

January 11-15 and 19-21; 10:00-1:00 pm PST synchronous session plus two hours of work in asynchronous online modality, including breaks.

Educating to “Create Just and Sustainable Communities that Counter Oppressions” (“ECO”) is a core goal of Starr King’s M.Div. and M.A.S.C. degree programs. In this required core intensive, M.Div. and M.A.S.C. students work together to form a framework for counter-oppressive spiritual leadership. We will ask: how can spirituality, ministry, and religious activism respond to the multiple and intersecting realities of injustice, suffering, and oppression in our lives and our world? What models of justice and sustainable community invite our commitment? Drawing on Unitarian Universalist and multi-religious sources, we will explore how in the midst of a world marked by tragedy, sorrow and injustice there remain abiding resources of beauty and grace that nourish resistance, offer healing and call us to accountability and community building. Reading and writing assignments to be completed before the course. Final paper. This course has a special focus on economic and racial justice addressed intersectionally.

Relates to Thresholds #2,5,7 and 8 and MFC Competency #4. Please take within your first year.

Limited to 20 students.