Forgiveness and Moral Repair

Session: Spring
Type: Asynchronous
Units: 3
Academic Year: 2021 - 2022
Approval Required: No

In this asynchronous on-line class, we will meet people from all over the world, from a variety of religious and cultural traditions, who have practiced forgiveness as a means of healing, reconciliation and/or liberation. We will also explore the concept of moral repair or how we individually and collectively might apologize, repent, and/or make amends after wrong-doing. Through readings, films, and spiritual practice exercises we will develop our forgiveness muscles. We will also explore ways of using forgiveness to strengthen our pastoral, prophetic and public ministries. This class will be experientia and multi-faith, drawing on personal and communal narratives, neuroscience, and psychology. Evaluation will be based on weekly reflections, spiritual practice exercises, and class discussion.

[25 max enrollment; Auditors excluded]