Scientists and climate activists have warned that we are entering a new era of Earth history called the Anthropocene, a time when human activity is decisively and harmfully reshaping the planet and its biodiverse ecosystems. The effects are increasingly evident in cascading climate disasters that threaten the loss of patterns, places, species, and a certain future.
This will be an era of profound grief and fierce struggle as we lament the damage and seek repair. Such a time calls for visions and habits of eco-liberation rooted in the rituals we share and the spirit we discover together. Through the teaching of Dr. Cláudio Carvalhaes, and through our shared spaces of conversation, practice, and reflection, we will embark on an interreligious exploration of how rituals offer a way for our communities to journey through the end of a world.
Our students are required, and all participants are encouraged, to read Dr. Carvalhaes’ recent book, How Do We Become Green People and Earth Communities?, in preparation for Symposium. It is available for purchase at Lulu or Amazon.