Creating Media that Counters Oppressions

Session: Spring
Type: Online, Synchronous
Units: 3
Days: MON
Time: 2:10pm-5:00pm
Academic Year: 2022 - 2023
Approval Required: No
Download: Course Document

This course will present an overview of developing a counter-oppressive popular media and technology framework that includes films, TV shows, comic books, video games, music, weblogs, streaming services, social network platforms, and other forms of infotainment. It will also foster discussion about the ways in which different forms of media are utilized both to reify and counter stereotyping, hegemony, discrimination, technology framework to disseminate content that works to counter oppression(s). Course format and evaluation: seminar, with final presentation and paper or media project that employs this media framework.
Intended audience: all degree programs. Auditors excluded.
Relates to Thresholds: 2. Prophetic Witness and Work, 6. Theology in Culture and Context 7. Educating for Wholeness and Liberation 8. Embodied Wisdom and Beauty. Relates to MFC: 4. Social Justice in the Public Square 7. Leads the Faith into the Future.